To put it simply: I am fascinated by connection. What I create emerges from practices of deep listening, dreaming, walking, and cultivating relationship with places and their inhabitants. Though I am informed by my background in environmental work + social sciences, the way I experience the world is through an animist understanding. From this perspective, much of my work is reflective of ecological relationships and the teachings they offer to human beings about how we can better exist in reciprocity and respect with the living world. The ecosystems who nurture and teach us, the human and more-than-human beings in my life, and the great patterns, processes, and liminal spaces are gifts, reflecting that we belong here, but have forgotten -- or been separated from -- our place.
What I do is for them and it is for you.
My visual art takes the form of black and white ink drawing using a stippling technique resulting in thousands of tiny dots. It is a meditative reflection on connectivity: a multitude of entities, all equal in importance, collaborating together to create one whole. Other creative pursuits include writing and mural painting. My work has been shown at the University of Arizona's Museum of Art, Saguaro National Park, the Natural History Institute, and the Corvallis Arts Center as well as internationally published including in the Dark Mountain Project, in scientific journals including Cultural Geographies in Practice, magazines such as Edible Baja Arizona, and online spaces including

Additionally, I work at the intersection of social + environmental and as a community griefworker (learn more here). I have an M.S. degree in marine resource management from Oregon State University and a B.A. from Prescott College in environmental studies with a minor in visual arts. The land continues to be my best teacher. Currently, I reside in the Sonoran Desert in so-called Tucson, Arizona – the homelands of the Tohono O'odham and Pascua Yaqui people.
Click here to view my Artist CV.
Please feel free to email me with any questions, inquiries, or collaboration proposals at